

I'm taking a narrative collage class this semester.  I don't know how I feel about it yet... it was definitely fun, but I feel so guilty cutting up beautiful books! Luckily, we do not have to sacrifice our own bound beauties (how poetic..).  The teacher goes to this big free book thing (that's what it's actually called... Baltimore Book Thing) every Saturday and brings back loads for us to use.  Some of them are so old!  I admit... I ripped out a page or 2 (or 3, plus a book..) to keep and hang on my wall.  I felt bad leaving them to be cut up.  I can't do this every class, or I will have a wallpaper of 1960's ads.  Actually, that sounds nice...

Mine turned out better than I expected, I've never really collaged before.  I think it's very King Kong meets Mick Jagger in drag (I don't think it really is but my teacher was convinced) meets Christina's World-esque.  Jagger Kong World.


Book Jacket

Another project from last semester.  I liked it well enough to post it on here, plus it matched some vintage fabric that I haven't found a use for yet.  Perfect.  The assignment was to make a book jacket for the story of Parsifal.  Here, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parzival, is the plot.  We were allowed to make the jacket in any style we wanted, so I did mine kind of like a children's book. 

My professor (should I say professor or teacher? I don’t know, I don't discriminate) thought it would be a stronger project if I took out the lil’ forest guy.  He's right, he doesn’t need to be there, it gives away too much information and he doesn’t share the same quality as the rest of the cover.  When I have time I’ll go back and pull him out of there and post again (let’s try for the next few days).  Poor guy, I’ll find another place for him. I love him and his cozy clothes.

Here’s the cover in a flat view.  I made it as a continuous scene, like he's walked across the jacket of the book.  Also.. you can see the tiny squirrel and bird's nest on the inside wings of the jacket.  Happy Sunday!


Skate Decks

Here they are a month later (whoopsie..).  I’m really happy with how they turned out.. my teacher was, too.  He asked if they were for sale!  I told him “In your dreams!” and ran out of the room like a bat out of hell! No I didn’t.  I smiled like a 5 year old and made a sound that was closer to a “myyahhbsj” than an actual word.  Clearly, the sale was never confirmed.  
There’s a few things I’d like to change now that I am seeing them after a break.  Like the little adventurer's face.  I think his eyes are too close and flat.  I changed the way I draw lil’ boy eyes since then (now they are like the one’s in Little Winter Friend, more hollow and wrinkly).  Anyways,  I think the decks turned out pretty sweet (like a tiny flower) and strange (like a snail).  
Thank you to my lovely model for being patient, you are a star!


A Little Winter Friend

He was silver and now he is blue.  It sounds like the start of a great rhyme.

I think I liked him better silver... poo.  (It was a rhyme!) I don't mind though, it's a good excuse to buy more tiny wooden rounds.


Mail for Male

A little (late) package for the holidays.  I can't send it with the string around it, but doesn't it look so sweet?  Another bad photo.. I am so embarrassed.  What a relief it will be when I can document with my nice camera again!