
E for Entomology

I explain this assignment here!
This section of the assignment I made to look like a vintage scientific illustration.
 I went through so many little paper insects.. their wings and legs kept falling off (morbid!).  I eventually decided to skip the skinny legs altogether so that I could keep my sanity... and, the legs are the creepy part about insects anyways. If they wore mittens I would probably be much happier to let one walk around on my arm instead of screech and flail until it flies (or flings) away.  Maybe.

* No insects were hurt in the making of this collage.


Louise the Maltese

I was going through pictures on my computer to delete some things to free up space (it's getting old and slow!) and I came across this gem.  I took it during one of her sleepier afternoons.  Have you ever seen a sillier little one?

I miss her so much!  I won't see her again until May... tears!  She's a stubborn little stinker... but I have never met a maltese that wasn't.  At times, I think if I was so small and everyone around me was big I would be frustrated, too.  I probably wouldn't poop in my friends shoes... but to each his(her) own.  She is still my favorite little thing, and she has also mostly outgrown that habit.  She's got her own little ways and they're just the sweetest!  A girl couldn't ask for a better companion.

Holiday Movie Guide

I made this last semester and never thought to post it until now.  This was an editorial based assignment.  I had so much fun drawing the little fox and bear families!  Probably because I love all animals in the whole world... there are just a couple that I would not want to touch (.... slugs). My favorite is the bear in the middle with the polka dot scarf, he's just so cozy!  I know there's some problems with the colors and balance (I've been through a critique with this one already), but I never went back to fix it, the problems never bothered me enough.  If this was for a real job or something, obviously I would have gone back in.   But it wasn't so I didn't.  Being an overworked student will do that to you.  It's so nice to have a relaxed schedule this semester!

Now, if you'll excuse me I am off to watch some Arrested Development for the 5th time.  I'm not kidding, all seasons.. 5 times (not in a row).  I just love it so much.  F A M I L Y L O V E M I C H A E L.  I hope your weekend is wonderful!  


Tiny Sailor

I made this using the tempera resist technique.  It's really that fuzzy because the ink has a tendency to bleed... even more so because I chose to use wood as a base.  The leaves, the thin lines inside the boat, the texture of his hair and his little face were made with a micron pen.   

Yesterday I got hired for an internship with a stationary business!  Also, I saw a sloth.  I. Saw. A. Sloth... in person!  It was the sweetest little guy I've ever seen.  I also saw some sharks, stingrays, dolphins and a sea turtle! Then I bought some ruffly socks. It was a really perfect day.  I even had a smoothie.

The Aquarium


Winter Mural

Not actually a mural.. just the project!  It was the first one of this semester and I didn't like it for awhile, but I keep going back to look at it and it's not so bad.  I like the colors I chose... wintry but not dull.  I guess it (the illustration as a whole) throws me off because it's so far removed from the way I usually go about my images.  I think it looks like a coloring book page!  I was kind of going for that though... we were asked to create a mural depicting an American scene for a school in Africa to maybe use on their walls. I made it simple so it would read easier and also be easier for someone to paint who hadn't drawn it themselves.

Can you tell I got inspiration from Cleveland? :)


Dirty Bird

Another collage.  This one was meant to represent this mythical creature that has the head of a woman and the body of a bird and lays eggs that are like sirens?  I've never heard of it either, but that's what I got assigned.  First, this reminds me of my brother suggesting that I name my blog Phoebe Bird Farts (Art.. Fart, you make the connection).  Second, when I showed it to Paul he said that it looks like she's pooping out bowling balls.  Third, I'm sorry if this is totally grossing you out. I can't believe I just wrote all of that!  I need to go wash my mouth out with soap and take a long hard look at myself in the mirror.

On a side note... I wonder if more people would have babies if all that happened was a puff of feathers?  Just a thought.  

Oh, Deer.

Get it?!  Hoooo boy, was that a good one! (It wasn't)
I bought this scarf when I was in New York and was wondering why I did because I don't really wear scarves (but I do buy impulsively). It turned out that it's the perfect fit for the little forest boy I made last year!  I'm not so sure if that justifies buying said scarf, but it's good enough for me.


Happy Spring!!

I am so thankful for this warm weather.  Sleeping with the windows open is truly one of the best things in life.  It is a little different here in Baltimore when we have police helicopters buzzing around at all hours (say whaaat?) but still, the fresh air is nice!  And they add excitement!  It's like I'm living in an episode of The Wire! (Not really... I am snug in this little apartment.)  The noise is actually comforting in a weird way anyways, I like the feeling of living in a city.  It's nice to know people are always around.  Also... I saw Paranormal Activity 3 last week and had the pants scared off of me so I'm not in much of a mood to be alone.  My phone rings and I jump.  It's fun.  

I made this yesterday in my collage class.  We were assigned a letter of the alphabet and had to make 2 images.  1 for a young audience and 1 for an adult audience.  This is the one for the small folks.  Next week I'll be working on the one for the bigs.  

E for Elk


Snick Snack (Paddy-Wack)

I'm on a mission.
A mission to not eat only ramen for the next year and a half.  

I've been trying to make snacks that aren't found in a freezer, a box or a crinkly bag... plus it's been so darn warm out I want to eat all the fruits and vegetables ever.  Except brussel sprouts.  I will never like them.  Sorry, Mom. 

Yesterdays Snack :
honey dijon dressing, avocado and grape tomatoes on baguette slices. It was so tasty and pretty.


Midterm (A portrait)

You know how I said in the post about naked people that I have made some embarrassing drawings?  Well.. last weeks Illustration midterm was a testimony to that.  It was not the MOST embarrassing project, but since I have reworked it I don't know what I was thinking before. That sewing machine was the dumbest! I must have been tired... like really, really tired.

I don't think it's bad to admit that I have made things I'm unhappy with.  I guess it shows the whole process of making a piece...  Good thing I had more time to work on this.  I really can't get over how awful it was. How the heck was I proud of that thing?? Jeez Laweez.  (Oh... Louise, I miss her.)

In case you didn't see the other post (because I deleted it... I'm telling you, it was the pits) here was the general gist of the assignment : This was for my midterm in Illustration.  We had to do a piece about feminism/what we think a strong woman is. The girl is Elsie from A Beautiful Mess Blog.  She's feminine, crafty, interesting and a totally awesome girl.  I know I've been made to feel bad for being very feminine, which is just so silly.  Girls should be able to be whatever they want to be... dressing and acting like a guy shouldn't be the definition of a strong woman.  I like (love) soft things and umbrellas with ruffles... nothin' wrong with that.  


New York was wonderful! So many things have happened over the last week!  We saw old (but golden!) friends, ate WAY too much food (but it was all delicious so I don't care!), went to a meeting at Little Brown, pet some soft animals, saw some amazing art, watched movies, met a cat named CornMuffin and had some serious relaxing time.  The best kind of times!  I couldn't have hoped for a nicer break.

The tiniest cream cup

I love tiny things

A sweet little cup 

Beautiful Massachusetts

Kara Walker

It was the best!  Although, both Paul and I agreed that we need to take more pictures with people in them.  We saw some great friends and I wish we would have gotten a picture together.  But the memory is what matters, right?  I hope this wasn't too many pictures.. I just couldn't choose what to leave out!
Oh, in the picture where that kitty-pie is on my lap... I was living every dream I have ever had (I'm kidding.. that would be really depressing).  But, really.  Does it get better than a warm snuggly cat? (Hint.. the answer is no!)


Sunday Night

Heeeere's what I ate for dinner.  It was just so pretty I couldn't help myself.  This also makes up for the apple I ate yesterday at work.  It tasted like dirt, and not in an good healthy way.  I keep buying the same bag of apples (from a farm close by) and I keep being disappointed every time I eat one.  What am I crazy?? I have got to change these silly ways.

-chickpea masala 
-dijon mushroom
-lemon chicken a la Paul

1 week until spring break and I am just so excited! First NYC and then Paul's house where I get to pet all of his soft animals!  Yay! I have been itching for something soft to snuggle with since the last time I pet something soft (I can't even remember... so sad!).  I'm going to snuggle my head off (just kidding, kind of).


Naked People

So...  I realize that I haven't posted any drawing from my life drawing class.  There is a reason, and that reason is that my teacher hasn't liked any of mine.. Haha!  (I promise I am not being a mope).  Art school is frustrating.  There's a lot of people with a lot of different opinions about what art is/should be/can't be.  That being said.. my drawing teacher has a totally different aesthetic than I have.  I really like the guy, I think he's super nice and patient... but he prefers extremely expressive figure drawing, whereas I gravitate towards traditional techniques with a lot of linear quality.  I have no qualms with expressive drawing, but the artists I respect most have learned the traditional techniques and understand anatomy first... and then choose to be expressive.  For me it's all about control and discipline.  I don't feel like I have mastered drawing enough to be as expressive as he would like.  I don't want to make a shit drawing that I lost control of and call it expressive.  I would call it embarrassing (and boy oh boy.. have I made some embarrassing drawings..).  Anywho.. all of this is just what I feel.  I know there are so many ways for an artist to produce work and to learn.  What I am saying is only my process.  I still learn a lot in this class.  Even though we differ in our approach to drawing, my teacher still has some great advice (as a teacher should).  He understands my approach and helps me with building upon that instead of steering me in a direction that I am not only uncomfortable with, but one that I have a hard time appreciating.  I was sad about feeling stuck and the odd one out in the class for awhile (which is why I wasn’t posting anything from the class) but now I know to not take it personally.  I get constructive feedback from the people that count (those who have similar approaches to mine) and the rest I know to take with a grain of salt.  It’s impossible to please everyone, and I never expect to.  All I can hope is that I strike a chord with the people I want to, and if the people I don’t relate to find something about my work they like then it’s great... but if they don’t then that’s okay, too.  My career goals allow for me to reach for a certain demographic of people who share an aesthetic similar to mine.  I still have a lot of polishing to do (that’s why I’m at school) but I definitely feel like I have found what I respond to (art-wise) and hope to build on that.  Which doesn’t mean that I think everything else is stupid, there are TONS of artists who I love and appreciate that work completely different than I do.  It’s hard to explain things that are so personal.  I always feel lucky to be surrounded by all these different opinions and thoughts, all of it adds to my growth and understanding of where I stand.. it’s just a little confusing/frustrating at times when I have to pick and choose who to listen to.  I try to just focus on what I hope to progress towards, and it's been working so far... I'm definitely noticing personal growth!

Whew!  Quite a different post than the others!  I hope you haven’t fallen asleep halfway through (or maybe if you have pulled an all nighter it is best if you did!  Go to bed!!).  If you are here just for the pictures you have made quite the journey from the top of this post!  

The arms I was talking about in the last post.  They are mine.  The curled one got a little fuzzy from rubbing against other paper in my portfolio and the bottom of the full length ones is weirdly long.  Other than that, I was proud of them when I finished.  Then in class a girl's critique was that they looked "cut and paste" and all my teacher really said was, "... well what does everyone think about these?  It's a different way of drawing isn't it".  But... they got picked to talk about by someone I can actually relate to in that class and the model of the day told me she really liked them (and my drawings from class-time too!), so all is well.  Like I said, art school is frustrating and confusing.

My feetsies.

Her hand, I know... it's not looking good.

I spent and hour and a half of this one. He was so upset I was taking so long.  I couldn't get her butt right.  Butts are hard to draw..

Her face is bad.  To be fair, she moved a lot... also I am really bad at drawing faces, something I need to work on!  I was happy about the reflective light in this one.