
Real Human Bean

Figure Drawings from the past couple of weeks.  I think these were both all day poses.  The top one is from last week and the bottom is from ... 3 weeks ago?  I can't remember.  I like the top one better, the bottom is kind of cartoony or something, maybe it's the foreshortening.. and the line weight?  I'm not sure.  Oh! All of my figure drawings have been about 18 x 24"... if anyone was wondering.  I think I'm finally getting comfortable in this class... my teacher likes my drawings now aaand the model told me she liked my shoes, what a nice lady!  Now, if my other teacher stops telling me that my drawings are "cold" just like I am (not in a nice way), I'll be floating on a cloud of bliss.  Can't win 'em all.  

I'll be posting my finals in the next couple of weeks once they're all finished! 

Anybody get that title reference?  


Down the Rabbit Hole

Heeere's the final I just finished for my collage for illustration class.  We chose a chapter from Alice in Wonderland and did our projects based off of that.  I chose the first chapter; Down the Rabbit Hole.  Among the books last week were all of these awesome Normal Rockwell ones.  I could have looked at them forever... and I did.  My teacher told me once or twice to stop lookin' and get collagin'.  Except, he didn't say it like that because he's not in any way similar to Richard Simmons, except in his enthusiasm (for collage).  

It's really getting close to the end of the school year.  Both relieving and pants peeing scary.  I'll be a senior next year!  How. Weird.  I'll be in voluntary denial until then.  See ya in the real world suckas!  I don't mean that.  The "suckas" part at least.  The denial stays.  


Not So Sweet

I made this last semester for an article that was about kids being addicted to sugar and junk food.  I tried to make her look cute (or should I say... sweet!) and not sad.  She's just a little bit stuck.


Birthday Buddies

Yesterday was Pauls birthday so I made him a little box of birthday friends.  I'm a little low on cashola so I couldn't buy him anything worth mentioning (sad) but.. who doesn't love a handmade gift!  It's not very Paul-like (in fact.. I think this is the opposite of like, BladeRunner), but I think he knows it's the thought that counts! I just can't help it if I have soft pastelly things forever in my thoughts.  


Art Party

I wanted to share Paul's blog and concept art page!  I'm so proud of him ... It's inspiring to turn my head and see him working so hard.  I don't know how he does it... but it sure does pay off!  Look at it!  I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous of his enthusiasm to work all night and day.  He's helped me so much with figure drawing.

Here's two of my favorites (they're all my favorites.. and I'm not just being sweet!) of his digital paintings.  I'm sure you can guess why... does the song You're So Vain come to your mind, too?  ;)

Here's his Blog 

And Concept Art (more things here) Page 4 is the most current!

He's the best! 


2 Girls 1 Color

I promise the title has nothing to do with anything about this project.  I don't even have a concept for it, I just wanted to draw some girls in cool clothes!  My teacher was asking a lot of people in the class what the  title of their pieces were during critique.  He didn't ask mine.  Maybe that is a good thing.
Anyways!  I think these turned out pretty nice.  I like them.  I've wanted to try incorporating cut paper into a more "traditional" technique (does that make any kind of sense?) for awhile.  I just wasn't sure how to go about it and I didn't really have an open opportunity to experiment until this assignment.  The girls are photo studies.  I found them on a street fashion blog.  I drew on clear vellum so that the cut paper could be pasted underneath.  (By the way... vellum is so amazing to draw on!  So smooth) For class presentation I hung them on t-pins so that they were about an inch away from the wall on which I had BFK cut to size as a base.  I was hoping that there would be a shadow of the studies with a silhouette of the cut paper cast onto the BFK, but the lights are fluorescent  in that classroom so it didn't really work.  The images on here are just scans so... no shadow here either (sad sad).

I definitely should have gotten some darker darks into this one.  

And here is the all day life drawing I made that day of class.  The hand and the shadow on her chest are... not so great.  I spent the most time on those parts... go figure (punny!). 

I hope your weekend is filled with lots of chocolate and flowers and soft socks.