
Survival of the Sweetest

I made the bears in the woods illustration (the one in the frame) to be on the back of the invitations.  But, after I finished printing what I have done so far and then made a new pattern (the gold triangles) to line the envelopes.. I now see that it will be much more sophisticated to just have the gold triangles on the back of everything.  (AHHHH!!!!)  Those poor bears are really lost now.  I really want them to have a function in this thesis, but right now I'm not sure what it could be.  

I'm going home to Cleveland next week after midterms.  There are few things more exciting than seeing this tiny face after months apart.  (Are you seeing that nose?!)


Danke schön Freund!

It's nice having a cousin fluent in German!  
I had tons of fun practicing hand lettering on this element of this whole "package".  We'll see what my graphic design friends have to say about it. 
For some reason, I'm hesitant to put the finished invitation on here.  I think I want to wait until after midterm critique.  If there's anything really embarrassingly awful that I'm just not noticing I can change it before it's forever on this intergalactic web net thing (I feel like this).  

P.S.  If anyone was wondering what to get me for a graduation present...
Wonder no longer, Freund! I'll take the misshapen kitty, please.  There are wonders beyond wonders at the Visionary Museum gift shop.  (I'm not being sarcastic.  I love it.)


Nesting Bears

 In process.  That first picture was just mapping out the face with paper.. but I really liked how goofy he looked.  Like a bear that ate 20 lemons.  In the second (blurry.... I miss my camera) picture, they're almost finished.  I have to figure out how to attach some tiny bear ears (and a party hat on the biggest) because right now they are just taped, refine some edges and paint the inside a nice yellow.  The little tiny guy is going to be a real pain to add ears to.  Sorry, guy.  Life's tough when you're half the size of a peanut.