
A Bedtime Story

Lately I've been a little overwhelmed with school projects (in a good, productive kind of way...) so I haven't had much time for non-scholarly things.  This poor little neglected blog has been empty for about a week, so... in lieu of something new (whoa! rhyme time) I decided to post something old that I did last year while I was still going to school in Cleveland.

I am not afraid to say that there is a lot of work that I did in the past that I would rather pretend I never made (I'm looking at you foundation year), and a lot of times I forget that I made certain things at all.  I was going through some folders on my computer yesterday looking for something to post and found this little narrative.  I always really liked it.  I think I forget sometimes to look back and be encouraged by myself to keep making things that I love, instead of just making to get an assignment completed.  It's good to look back at work and feel content with it, it's all the more encouraging to keep aiming for that feeling with everything that I make.

I get contemplative when I'm tired... and cuddly.  What I wouldn't do for a warm puppy right now.

1 comment:

  1. I love this narrative of pictures. No one portrays sweet coziness like you. Now, you really should revisit the seaside book you illustrated to be further inspired/ reminded of what you do so well. I could and do look at your pictures over and over and over, and feel happy every time.
